Leadership Podcast

What Do They REALLY Want?

When we first start a conversation with our team member, they may say they want to solve a certain problem.

But if we allow them the ability to think things through, sometimes the original problem is not the REAL problem.

In other words, what they say they want is not what they REALLY want.

This is a powerful realization, and can mean the difference between having a conversation which results in no action because the root problem has not been addressed, versus one that allows forward...

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How to Become a Better Problem Solver

Our entire career as a leader - and in fact, our entire personal life as well - is a measure of how well we solve problems.

The better we are at solving problems, the more we advance.  The more we are able to learn and overcome.  And through the failure along the way, we also grow stronger.

So it's not hard to imagine why learning how to solve problems better is a very valuable skill.  Today I am sharing with you my four step process to solving problems better.  And it...

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When to Ask "How Can I Help?"

Asking your team "how can I help?" is a great way to show your support.

But knowing when to ask this question can make it more helpful to your team member - and ultimately to you as a leader too.

In this episode I explore the best way to ask "how can I help you?" as a supervisor in order to empower your team and not keep them from growing.

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Best Practices When Using Coaching for Development Planning

The more you empower your team to come up with their own Development Plans, the more likely they are to take action.  And that is really the whole point, right?

In this episode I share four powerful questions you can ask during a Development Plan Coaching conversation to help your direct reports determine what skills to learn, how to learn them, how to plan for unforeseen challenges and also prepare them to take action.    

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Finding Time for Developing Your Team

You have a lot on your to do list.  Between all the meetings, email and your everyday obligations, things get busy fast!

And yet, one of our most important priorities as supervisors can be one of the ones we delay doing the most - that is developing our team.

How can you find time to develop your team while also keeping your other priorities?

Listen to this episode to find out!

Resources mentioned:

- How to do a Time Audit (from previous episode How Will You be Remembered as a...

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A Simple and Effective Way to be a More Empathetic Leader

Most of us prefer working for a leader who we feel cares for us over one who only cares about results.  

Many research studies confirm the same: empathetic leaders create higher performing and more motivated teams.

Chances are if you're listening to this you are already a caring leader, but there is an oportunity that many leaders overlook which is so simple and yet goes a long way when you want to demonstrate caring for your team. 

In this episode I share this simple thing...

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Your Most Impactful Role as a Humanitarian or Development Leader

The way we see our role as a leader relates directly to the way we use our time and the impact we create.

It also relates to the level of overwhelm and burnout we experience.

Based on some common misconceptions, I am sharing how you can make the most impact as a humanitarian or development leader.

You'll learn two shifts in perspective that will help you focus your time and prioritize what will make the most impact for you and your team.

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How You May Be Creating a Team That's Dependent On You

How much does your team rely on you?

Maybe it's not the entire team that needs your help.

Maybe it's one or two people.

You have shown them how to do something again and again...

And still they don't do it on their own.

If you recognize this situation, it is likely you are partly responsible for it.

You may think you are being helpful, but your actions as a leader are creating a team that's dependent on you.

How can you make your team become not rely on you?

Find out in this week's episode.

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Formal Versus Informal Coaching and How to Start

You hear me talk a lot about coaching.

But I haven't really explained the differences between formal coaching and informal.

Today I've invited a guest to discuss the differences, benefits for your team and some practical ways to start.

Elena Sancho has 20 years experience in the aid sector and is now a certified professional coach.  She shares her journey in finding coaching, and how she has since integrated it into her work and life to help others benefit also.

Resources mentioned:


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Getting Out of His Own Way- How a Coach Approach Helped a Leader Grow His Team

Today's guest has really done it.

He has taken what he learned about coaching and created a culture within his organization that has resulted in a more proactive team.  This in turn has allowed him to grow his organization and focus on the important.

In short, Salif Kanoute, President of DECLIC NGO in Senegal, has gotten out of his own way.

This is not easy as a leader - we often think our teams need us too much for us to step back.

But Salif is a great example of what can happen when a...

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